Static and Fan Forced Refrigeration?

What is the Difference Between Static and Fan Forced Refrigeration?

Conventional static refrigeration is a commonly used cooling system in laboratory refrigeration, but these systems do not allow for optimum airflow within the biostorage cabinet.

As the system implies, static refrigeration works in the absence of air circulation inside the refrigeration compartment (air immobility). This creates uneven air distribution and pockets of warmer temperatures. Temperature differences in various zones can have serious consequences leaving medicines, vaccines and specimens unstable, and even destroying expensive biomaterials.

The Gram range of refrigerators has fan forced solutions that distributes cold air uniformly throughout the storage chamber. Supplied by Bioline Global, the range forces the flow of cold air into the furthest corners of the cabinet so the whole storage space can be used without temperature fluctuations.

Using refrigerators in your lab that maintain airflow within your refrigerator ensures temperature stability and protection of temperature sensitive biological materials stored inside, and optimal cold biostorage.

How fan forced refrigeration works

Conventional cooling systems in refrigerators use a finned tube evaporator down the back of the storage space. Without a fan to force the cold air to circulate, the evaporator creates a very localised generation of sub-zero temperatures in the chamber, making it difficult to control and maintain consistent temperatures.

The Gram range has a unique fan forced system that keeps airflow optimised. An inbuilt fan forces cooled air around the cabinet to ensure an even distribution of cold air. The fan works by pushing air down a special distribution plate at the back of the cabinet interior and back up again towards the evaporator fan, creating a constant rotation of air within storage space.

Smart defrost functions

Loss of biomaterials to frost damage is common and can be costly. Conventional or static refrigeration systems need regular defrosting, as moisture is not evaporated inside. These cabinets build up ice and require defrosting settings in models to counter uneven cold storage. Often researchers need to move items from the back of the cabinet to prevent frost damage, leaving parts of the cabinet unusable for storage.

Having fan forced air circulation also means moisture is removed from the cabinet allowing no cold wall build up, helping the defrosting process. Additionally, the Gram range of refrigerated units feature a ‘smart defrost’ function that automatically initiates a defrost cycle. Unlike conventional defrosting settings where you have no control of the defrost cycle, the Gram biostorage systems make sure an absolute minimum time and energy is used during each individual defrost cycle.

It works by calculating the required time and energy needed to defrost based on the actual condition of the refrigeration system. You can determine parameters so you have full control over the defrost function, such as stop temperature and frequency of the cycles.

The result is temperature stability inside the cabinet with greatly reduced temperature peaks during defrosting. [1]

The Bioline Global range of Gram fan forced fridges and freezers

Bioline Global offers a range of five separate product series in the controlled biostorage solutions. The products are all fan forced and operate using a finned tube evaporator with a ventilated fan to distribute air throughout the cabinets.

Gram fridges and freezers can cover a variety of biostorage, from high-specification to general-purpose refrigeration. They have varying capacity depending on your facility’s research needs, and depending on the size can fit under benches, against walls or on top of one another.

The features of the Gram range of fan forced refrigerators also include:

  • Multi-purpose controller with LED display
  • Storage up to 1400 litres in capacity
  • Access port for external devices, such as a sensor to monitor external temperature
  • Extremely durable Stainless steel interior, easy to clean and ready to withstand many years of use
  • Optional glass doors for rapid at-a-glance checks on the contents inside the cabinet
  • Labour warranty, 5 years on parts

To find out more about the Bioline Global range of Gram fan-forced refrigerators or to speak to one of our friendly and experienced technicians, please contact us at 1800 210 805 or via our online contact form.

[1]        Gram Controlled Biostorage; The BioLine Range brochure 2017 available at

1 thought on “What is the Difference Between Static and Fan Forced Refrigeration?”

  1. Thank you for an informative article. This information is totally new to me about the refrigerator. This article is really new and knowledgable for me. Nice article!!

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